Angela 5th April 2018

To my friend June I met you when we were much younger and our children were very small in the late seventies. Although we lost touch through no fault of our own thirty five years ago, we both tried for years to find each other. Last March I found you on Facebook, I was thrilled and the emails and messages started flying backwards and forwards across the world to me here in Australia. Every morning early I would check to see if you were on line and of course you were as you went to bed so late. You said “who else would I be talking to at this hour of the night” as everyone else was sleeping but because of the time difference it suited us both. The thirty five years or so made no difference to us we just picked up where we left off, close friends who talked about everything and anything. June you were one of my best friends of whom I loved admired and respected. I have not found anyone as genuine and lovely since living in Australia. I feel very lucky to have found you when I did last year so I will cherish that time and hold that in my heart. Love as always Angela. x